When you try to start Quickmap, you get this message:
A QuickMap License could not be found. Your clock appears to have been put back. To fix this problem you must re-register QuickMap. Select Register QuickMap off the Help Menu. QuickMap will now close as there are no layers to display.
This is a problem which happens when you put your clock back. Normally, by re-registering QuickMap you are able to run the program. If this keeps happening, perhaps the BIOS battery in your computer is flat, causing your clock to reset each time your computer is powered off. Replace your BIOS battery, correct the date and time on your clock and re-register Quickmap.
If you are unable to register Quickmap before it exits, this may be because you are running QuickMap V 6.1.66 – V 6.2. In this case, use QUtility.exe from the Support folder in Disk 2 to register Quickmap.
To do this, from the QuickMap Diagnostic Tool, select Register and follow the registration wizard.