How To Import An ASCII File Of Coordinates Into Quickmap

Quickmap offers 4 methods for importing ASCII coordinates, as described in the table below.

Type Format Example Description
MDB CSV and TXT 572737,abc,1, 2659831,5994301.23
CSV and txt files can be imported into a Microsoft Access table, and this table can then be imported into a Quickmap layer by selecting File->Import and choosing the Import Wizard option. Most coordinate systems are supported for this option, and is the recommended method for importing ascii files into Quickmap.
LIN <id> <x> <y> 535789 2659851.53 5994239.98
572737 2659831 5994301.23
557179 2659821.74 5994290.62
<id> is the unique feature identifier, and <x> <y> are the feature coordinates. When File -> Import is selected within Quickmap, you must choose the appropriate coordinate system to use for the <x> <y> coordinates.
WKT <id>|<label1>|<label2>|1 POINT (<x> <y>). 572737|abc|1|1 POINT ( 2659831 5994301.23)
557179|def|2|1 POINT ( 2659821.74 5994290.62)
<Id>, <Label1> and <Label2> will be added to the label field of Quickmap, seperated by the | character. The NZMG coordinate system must be used for the <x> and <y> coordinates. 
WAY   See export/import formats and GPS support Waypoints downloaded from your GPS unit to your PC using software such as GPS TrackMaker can be imported into Quickmap. Only geographical (Lat/Long) coordinates are supported by Quickmap for importing .way files.
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