An update for the latest Highways in Quickmap can be downloaded by running Quickmap, clicking Downloads under the Tools menu, then downloading Highways. This download replaces the existing Quickmap Highway layer with a new layer called Highways under the Topo group.
Updates To Quickmap
The latest Quickmap version 8.4.7829 can be downloaded from and includes these enhancements since last month’s release:
- Shadow fonts are now supported. Shadow fonts allow you to draw an outline around label text on the map so that they can be more easily seen, for example when viewing aerials which sometimes includes colours that match the label colour making the label difficult to see.
- The position of the Detailed Property Report window is now remembered between Quickmap sessions
- The ability to add labels on all map points has been added, where previously users could only add labels to points held in mdb databases (now this functionality allows adding labels to points held in QIK files, too)
- A minor bug has been fixed with the info tool that sometimes selects a parcel adjoining the parcel you actually clicked on
- A bug was fixed that prevented Quickmap from being opened with certain command line options
- Support was added drawing lines with an outline. To draw a line with an outline, use first draw a line, then edit the symbology of the line.
- A minor bug was fixed that caused newly added features to initially draw in the wrong colour or appear hatched before the screen is refreshed, when placing features using the Add button.
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