The following instructions outline how to install Quickmap Aerial Photography. Quickmap must be installed first before attempting to install the aerial photography images.
Quickmap Aerials may be installed on a Stand-Alone PC, or a Network Server. The Stand-Alone PC setup is recommended for a single Quickmap Licence and the Network Server setup is recommended for multiple Quickmap licences. Where multiple Quickmap licences have been purchased, only one copy of the Aerials is required for the Network Server setup. Note however the photos will sometimes draw faster where the Stand-Alone PC setup is used.
Before you start, make sure you have sufficient room on your hard disk drive. The storage requirements are:
- Region 1 Auckland: 55Gb
- Region 2 Boplass: 111Gb
- Region 3 Waikato: 40Gb
- Region 4 Horizons: 77Gb
- Region 5 Wellington: 68Gb
- Region 6 Nelson: 35Gb
- Region 7 Canterbury: 81Gb
- Region 8 West Coast: 41Gb
- Region 9 Southland: 79Gb
Installing Aerials onto a Stand-Alone PC
- Log on as Administrator and close all programs running on the PC, such as Quickmap.
- Insert the Aerial Photography source into your computer and run setup.exe. Answer the questions when prompted. When asked which setup type to choose, select the TYPICAL INSTALL option. These will be installed (by default) into the same folder as your Quickmap Aerial Photos (if these are already installed). Otherwise, you will be asked to specify the location to store the maps. Note all Aerial Photography must be saved in the same location.
Installing Aerials onto a Network Server
Server setup
- On the server create a directory called QAirPhoto on the designated network drive.
- Copy the contents of the Aerial Photography source into the QAirPhoto directory.
Client setup
- Map the server network drive QAirPhoto.
- Run Setup.exe from QAirPhoto directory on the server and choose the MINIMAL INSTALL option. This will install the aerial photograph/Topo50 Map software on the PC, and leave the actual aerial photographs on the server.
- Run Quickmap on the PC.
❗ Note the installed aerials will not draw if the scale is unsuitable for the given resolution of the photo.