The Changes You Requested To The Table Were Not Successful Because They Would Create Duplicate Values In The Index, Primary Key Or Relationship

When trying to save to a layer, you may get this error: The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key or relationship. This happens because the record Continue reading The Changes You Requested To The Table Were Not Successful Because They Would Create Duplicate Values In The Index, Primary Key Or Relationship

WCF Transfer Of QuickmapSetup.msi Failed. Not A Valid Win32 FileTime

When trying to update the Quickmap software from the menu within Quickmap, you may get this error: WCF transfer of QuickmapSetup.msi failed. Not a valid Win32 FileTime This occurs because Quickmap thinks that there is an update available as the Continue reading WCF Transfer Of QuickmapSetup.msi Failed. Not A Valid Win32 FileTime

Quickmap Cannot Run As It Was Unable To Find The File: QMap.mdb

When you start Quickmap, you may get this error: Quickmap: Unexpected Error Encountered Quickmap cannot run as it was unable to find the file: C:\Quickmap\Data\QMap.mdb. This is because you have installed Quickmap using an installer that is not aware of Continue reading Quickmap Cannot Run As It Was Unable To Find The File: QMap.mdb

The Operation Being Requested Was Not Performed Because The User Has Not Logged On To The Network

When trying to install or update Quickmap data, you may get this error: Quickmap Data Setup Failed The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not logged on to the network. The specified service does not exist. Continue reading The Operation Being Requested Was Not Performed Because The User Has Not Logged On To The Network