The Air Photo Install Requires Quickmap Version 6 Or Higher

When trying to install aerial photography for Quickmap Version 8, you may get this error: The Air Photo install requires Quickmap Version 6 or higher to be installed. You must install Quickmap Version 6 or higher first, before running this Continue reading The Air Photo Install Requires Quickmap Version 6 Or Higher

Warning: The Plan Displayed Has Been Updated In Landonline

When trying to view a survey plan in Quickmap, you may get the following warning: Warning: The plan displayed has been updated in Landonline, and is therefore not the latest copy. This happens because the Survey Plan Expansion Pack contains Continue reading Warning: The Plan Displayed Has Been Updated In Landonline

How To Install Quickmap V8 – Client-Server Installation

These instruction describe how to install or update Quickmap version 8 software by downloading the software install from the internet. There are a 2 types of install in Quickmap Version 8: Standalone installation, in which, both software and data are Continue reading How To Install Quickmap V8 – Client-Server Installation

Could Not Open Database – Unrecognized Database Format

When trying to open Quickmap Version 7, you may get this error: Could not open database Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB4.0;Data Source=(Path\QMap.mdb) Unrecognized database format (Path\QMap.mdb). This occurs due to the QMap.mdb file becoming corrupted, possibly during the data update process. This is a Continue reading Could Not Open Database – Unrecognized Database Format

Unable To Process Installer Configuration File

When trying to install software or Quickmap data using QSetup, you may get this error: Unable to process installer configuration file: An error occurred loading a configuration file: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. (QuickmapSetup.config) A variation of Continue reading Unable To Process Installer Configuration File

QInstaller.exe Is Not A Valid Win32 Application

When trying to update Quickmap using the QInstaller, you may get the following message: QInstaller.exe is not a valid Win32 application. This is because the QInstallerapplication does not work on older versions of Windows. We recommend that you upgrade to Continue reading QInstaller.exe Is Not A Valid Win32 Application