February 2020 Update

The latest Quickmap Version 8.3.7339 is freely available for download from:


The following free downloads (which are available within Quickmap version 8.3, via the Download option on the Tools menu) have been updated in late Jan 2020. Here is a little information about each of those:

  • The Building outlines download provides current outlines of buildings within mainland New Zealand captured from the latest aerial imagery. A building outline is a 2D representation of the roof outline of a building which has been classified from LINZ aerial imagery using a combination of automated and manual processes to extract and refine a building roof outline. Building outlines were updated from LINZ on 8-Jan-20, and published on 26-Jan-2020.
  • The School Zones download displays school zones, decile, email, school website, school type, authority, gender of students, and school roll broken down by ethnicity. Layers School – Decile, School – Points and School – Zone are added to Quickmap under the Other layer group. School Zones were updated by the Ministry of Education on 29-Jan-2020, and published 30 January 2020.

Free downloads are available by selecting Downloads from the Tools menu in Quickmap.

Historical owner searches with Quickmap will be made available for download in mid-February.

Compact Database Option

The Edit layer and databases created by you using the New Layer option can be compacted by selecting Compact Database under the Tools -> Diagnose/Repair menu option. This can have a significant impact on Quickmap performance if the database is large.

Bug Fixes

Quickmap Version 8.3 includes a number of minor bug fixes.

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