2021 is off to a roaring start with our new survey plan sharing feature. Last month, over 35,000 Survey Plans were uploaded from the Quickmap community, and 30,000 title plans were extracted from titles ordered through our document ordering system.
If you would like to make your survey plans available in Quickmap, you can either copy them onto a USB Hard disk drive we will send you, or you can upload them from Quickmap version 8.4.7577 or above (the latest version of Quickmap is 8.4.7646).
The benefits of uploading your survey plans are that:
- You can share them easily with your colleagues via Quickmap.
- Quickmap indexes your survey plans so they are easier to find.
- Your plans are backed up to the cloud, so you won’t lose them if your hard drive fails.
- You can access your plans remotely, via Prover or another Quickmap installation.
- You can share your survey plans between your Quickmap and Prover users.
If you don’t have it already, the latest Quickmap Version 8.4.7646 is freely available for download from:
Did you know that Quickmap 8.2 or later has an automatic software update feature to keep you on the latest version of Quickmap? Just click Help -> Software Updates… from the Quickmap menu.
There’s also an automatic data downloader to keep your Quickmap data up-to-date. Contact us to get a free license key for that.
We have a lot of exciting enhancements lined up for 2021, and welcome any suggestions on how we can improve both Quickmap and Prover.