To find Datum 2000 marks within a 15km radius of a coordinate, using the Find -> Coordinate menu go to a job at <xxx>. Select the Find button from the tool bar and select the report radio button then report on 6th order marks within a 1Km radius. If you want to add in a new intersect layer option ie 15 Km radius then go into your local copy of QMap.mdb (under C:\program files\QMap\data) and add a new row into the QFind table or modify the current 1 Km radius option. Then when you next run QuickMap you will see the new intersect layer option. New row would be:
Id, QLayer, ComboReport, ComboIntersect, ReportColumns, ReportApp, GP, Notes, ReportFormat
25, 15 Km Radius, 0, -1, 15000, Radius, 196, Report format can be TXT, WKT or CSV, CSV.
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